Summer Harvest Celebration
Here we are again, at the end of August, asking ourselves where summer went and how it passed so quickly. I love this time of year for the brimming farmstand bounty of bright, colorful produce: beans, berries, pluots, tomatoes — all of which begs to be served and enjoyed. I wanted to celebrate the end-of-summer harvest with a dedicated dinner party.
Chefanie’s Harvest Table!
Cockscomb in Chefanie Blue & White Urns. Chefanie Ceramic Blue & White Straws to match Chefanie cotton Blue & White Napkins. Chefanie Bamboo Napkin Rings.
Now, I love tablecloths! However, for this harvest dinner, I wanted the bounty to be the centerpiece. So I treated my dinner table as I would a cheeseboard and laid my fruits and vegetables directly on the dark wood. This allowed guests to nosh in between courses — and it made for a beautiful table decoration.
I put some local red cockscomb in our Blue & White Urns. The rest of the table decoration was edible: red grapes, heirloom tomatoes, string beans, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, Carr’s crackers, marcona almonds…
Chefanie’s Harvest Table!
Cockscomb in Chefanie Blue & White Urns. Chefanie Ceramic Blue & White Straws to match Chefanie cotton Blue & White Napkins. Chefanie Bamboo Napkin Rings.
This summer was different from previous ones, as I launched my first collection of “Entertaining Accoutrements” in June: Tableware and Accessories to help anyone entertain at home.
In the place settings, I incorporated my Ceramic Blue & White Straws to match our cotton Blue & White Napkins, Bamboo Napkin Rings.
Chefanie Ceramic Blue & White Straws to match Chefanie cotton Blue & White Napkins. Chefanie Bamboo Napkin Rings.
Chefanie Ceramic Blue & White Straws to match Chefanie cotton Blue & White Napkins. Chefanie Bamboo Napkin Rings.
We also incorporated some of our earrings into the tablescape in unexpected ways …
Chefanie Baskets of Pearls on Harvest Table
Chefanie Swinging Farfalle earrings on Heirloom Tomatoes
Chefanie Bamboo Hoops on Red Cockscomb Flowers
On the menu was Summer Melon Salad and Grilled Tuna.
Summer Melon Salad over Chefanie Blue & White Tablecloth
Grilled Tuna over Chefanie Pink & White Tablecloth
I set the table in Bamboo Hoop Earrings to match the Bamboo Napkin Rings.
Chefanie sets the table wearing Chefanie Bamboo Hoops
Chefanie sets the table wearing Chefanie Bamboo Hoops